Digital marketing hierarchy

Planning Career In Digital Marketing? Find Out The Team Structure And Hierarchy In India

Digital Marketing is among the top skill in demand across the world, as the world moves more towards the internet business the demand for digital marketing experts is going to grow. It has been estimated that by 2020 the world will require 1,50,000 digital marketing specialists. 
If you are in the profession of Marketing, Sales or Business Owner it is very important to add digital marketing as a skill set. If you are a fresher, digital marketing is one of the most trending skill set. You can easily set foot in the digital world by taking up a digital marketing course, Socialopedia offers online and classroom digital marketing course. 
Before you get ready to step into the world of digital marketing, it is of prime importance to understand the team structure of a typical Digital Marketing Agency. Below simple graph gives you a clear picture of the digital marketing structure.

Careers in Digital Marketing in India - Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta, Pune

I will try to explain each position in a brief. 
Digital Marketing Head – One of the topmost position is of a head, typically someone having 8+ years of digital marketing experience. The head will be overlooking the entire functioning of the agency, will be responsible for P&L (profit and loss), building a digital team, grow sales and ensure client satisfaction. 
Account Manager – An account manager is the single point of contact for the client, account manager ensures that the tasks are completed in the right and timely manner. Account manager coordinates with various teams within the agency. Account manager requires characteristics and skills like excellent communication skills, calm in nature, confident and excellent presentation skills.
Account Executive – This position is generally suitable by a fresher or someone who has 6-18 months of experience. The work is similar to that of an account manager, with the difference that execution work will be of high priority. 
Social Media Manager – Social Media being is a great influencer in today’s world. Each and every brand wants attention on Social Media. Social Media Manager is responsible for growth, engagement, and campaigns on various social media platform. Great research, ideation, and presentation skills are some skills required.
Social Media Executive – Executive position is generally filled by a fresher, execution as directed by Social Media Manager will fill the major KRA for the executive. Being a social media addict will be put to great use in this position! 
Content Manager – In the internet world, content is the king. Content manager will mostly have a team of content writers and copy writers working under him/her. Content manager is responsible for providing great quality content to the client. The content is not just restricted to textual, now-a-days video content is also in great demand. 
Content Writer – Putting across ideas in words is a challenging task, content writer is on duty for the same. Writing whitepapers, blog posts, website content etc. All is taken my content writer. Outstanding language skill is a must for this profile. 
Copy Writers – Copy writers is high valued content to promote your brand. The idea is to sell a particular product, service or brand. Creating attractive headlines, being clear and direct in words is the job of a content writer. 
Design Head – Design is one of the most important element of a marketing campaign. Ideation, conceptualization, visualization and impact of outcome – all of the above is the duty of the design head. The design head also needs to know the art of putting forward the idea to the client and even convince the idea.
Graphic Designer – Working in guidance of the design head, the graphic designer is responsible for creating a great design. Knowing design tools like photoshop, illustrator etc is a must.
SEO Expert – Every organic (free) visit coming to your website is money saved. SEO expert’s job is to ensure that your ranking is high on search engines like Google and Bing. SEO expert will be working closely with the content team and website developers to get the tasks done.
Paid Marketing Expert – Each rupee is spent wisely is the job of paid marketing expert. He/she will be responsible for creating a media budget, negotiation with the vendors and running ads across platforms like google adwords, Facebook, Instagram and other digital platforms. 
Socialopedia is Digital Marketing training institute, if you are looking for a digital marketing course you can contact us by calling us on +91-9076631638 or email us on or visit

1 thought on “Planning Career In Digital Marketing? Find Out The Team Structure And Hierarchy In India”

  1. Awesome stuff. Please keep writing more things like this. I really like the fact you went so in depth on this and really explored the topic as much as you did. I read a lot of blogs but usually, it’s pretty shallow content. Thanks for upping the game here!

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